
5 Causes Of Marital Breakup And 14 Ways To Avoid Them


Marrital failure
Marital breakup is what happens when husband and wife can no longer live together and later go for divorce. Often, there are cases of marital breakup among newly wedded couples of nowadays. After few years of marriage, either of a couple can just decide to request for divorce, for some reasons.

When the cause of a problem is known, the problem is 99% solved. Without wasting much of your time, some five causes of marital failure with some helpful ps to prevent each are discussed below:


When relatives or friends ask you about your fiance/fiancee, you could only tell few things about him/her like "h/she's nice, loving, h/she is gentle... and so on". You did't know who exactly s/he is before you take yourself to the alter. Not knowing who really s/he is, I mean you didn't know his/her true character, you did not know when and what makes him/her get annoyed, what makes him happy and not. Actually, there are so many things hidden about him/her you need to know.

Then, when you did not know all these, how do you think you can cope with him/her for the rest of your life? (since marriage is a lifetim jorney). You might be doing something which you, yourself thinks will make him happy, but for the kind of person s/he is you're really hurting him/her. It is when you fully understand him/her that you can come to the conclusion of marriage.

Tips to prevent #1:

  • Have enough date. The first mistake that most people make is "no much time to date before marriage". Yes, when you did not date for enough time, you will not likely know who really your companion is. 
  • Be inquisitive about his/her action while you're still dating. Anytime s/he does something strange, ask him or her why. Don't be dormant to asking questions. Also, whenever you find him/her in a good mood, get closer to him and ask about his/her likes and dislikes. It'll help you when you finally get married. 


Infidelity means unfaithfulness in marriage. Another cause of marital failure is when there is Infidelity in a marriage. There is no way either of a couple will know about his/her partner is having external affairs with someone else that s/he will be pleased. Even, if your partner perseveres a lot, s/he will still have a second thought someday.

Tips to prevent #2:

  • Try your possible best to marry your taste. How? Read the 7 types of tastes you must have if you seek a peaceful marriage Life.  
  • When you know his/her beauty is not up to your taste, why did you marry her or get married to him? Or is the way that she cooks that you don't like or her attitude towards sex? Then, requesting for a divorce is not the best option. Why not consulting relationship experts? 

Read Also: 5 Signs That Show Your Relationship Is ending


Yes, when there is low income than the family's expenditure, thoughts like "getting someone who is financially capable" is the next thing women thinks about. Financial level of the family can reduce when there is unemployment, loss of job or business. Or when the family grows in number- having more children. This problem can also be prevented. How?

Tips to prevent #3:

  • While you were dating, probably some months before marriage, why couldn't you put heads together to invest in something, if there's no job yet? 
  • When you really know what you are doing, you may apply for loan - if there's no financial assistance from relatives. 
  • If you've already made the mistake of investing and either of you(you and your spouse) looses his/her job, the next is not to find a financial freedom. You can still put heads together and motivate each other, either to find job or start a small scale business. 
  • Plan the number of children to have - numbers that won't eat up your financial capability. Don't be that Ronaldo who scores all goals. 


Gossip may come from relatives, friends, enemies or even people who thinks they use their gossips to help you. They may tell you they found your spouse at somewhere unpleasant to be heard such as hotels. They tell you things that yourself have never noticed. You now begin to doubt you partner's trust or start to reason some stupid facts. You begin to relate what you are told to some of his/her actions. Alas! You're moving towards divorcing him/her - the end of your marriage.

Tips to prevent #4:

  • Did you believe that some of those that gossips to you tell you these things to earn a good face from you? In the first place, the trust that made him or her worth to be married, have you lost it? If NO, then why giving rooms for intruders? Why can't you just shun them off? They are there to drag your thoughts to suspecting him/her. 
  • If you don't buy the idea of shunning off your intruder, you will need to do appropriate findings and get REAL FACTS before you take any step. The next step is to carefully address him/her with your facts. Do not keep the facts inside yourself because if you do, you only want to ruin your marriage. 

Check out the top 20 signs that show you're in a committed relationship


A spouse may choose not to spend his/her maximum time with the family because of his/her love for money or friends. Different cases has been reported by men saying their wives do not have time to take care of their kids and cooking better foods for thrm". Also, some women has complained that there men don't always look after the family. Honestly when these complaints become incessant, your spouse can easily be bored off and tends to dump you for someone else who has his/her time.

Tips to prevent #5:

  • If you must do, have less friends who prefer hanging out than staying in their houses with their families. 

Immediately you leave your workplace or finish you assignment, head towards home straight as your wife (if you're a man) would love you to eat her food.

  • During your free periods, tickle your spouse and play with your kids, sometimes in a funny way. 
  • Reduce the love you have for money, respect your relationship. 
  • If you're a woman, go for jobs/works that give room for cooking and taking care of the household. 

To maintain a balance relationship for 20 years and above nowadays is not an easy task. But with those tips above, you can achieve more.

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