
5 Types Of Challenges Faced In Schools and How You Can Conquer them

5 students challenges
The great importance of education in any given society should not be under-estimated. With people going to school and getting educated, they see the need to embrace civilization and proper style of doing things. Education in no doubt has helped a lot of people become professionals in a particular field of study.

With the global changes today, it’s expected that people take cognizance of the value of education.
Despite this inalienable right called education, most students are still faced with a lot of problems, some of which can cause obstacles to their academic pursuit. Some of these problems could be internal in the sense that it could arise from the student while the problem could as well be external in the sense that it could arise from their immediate homes and environment in which they live.

Today, I will be showing to you the problems that most students face that deter them from their academic pursuit.

5 Categories Of Problems Students Should Prepare For And How To Solve Them

Family Problems

Family problem
A child first point of contact is the home. I once taught in a primary school, class 4 precisely. During my six months of teaching in that class, I always noticed an unusual behavior in one of the students which she hasn’t been doing before. During class activities, she would go sad and lukewarm, not interacting with her fellow students.

I became worried as to the sudden change in her and I called her to confirm what’s wrong. And do you know what she said? “My daddy is threatening to divorce my mummy and I’m not happy about that”.

The truth is that any student that is emotionally not balanced is bound to have problems in their studies. Most students suffer academically because the relationship of their parents is suffering.

When there are problems in the homes, children find it hard to concentrate and learn in class, instead they become sad, aggressive and disturbed.

 Solutions to the family problem:

 To avoid poor performance in education due to family problems, parents should be effective as to nurturing and safeguarding their relationships. Husbands and wives should spend quality time together as well as with their children.

Also, parents should be very careful as to the way and manner in which they react to problems in front of the children.
Children are happy when they know that their parents are also happy.

Financial Problems

financial problem
Despite the fact that education is an inalienable right for everyone, we still see that the issue of money has held many students back from progressing academically.

Most schools both the primary and secondary are too expensive for most people to attend in order to get the quality education. What more can I say about the exorbitant fees been placed in the tertiary institutions?

When there is no money to meet up with the high and excessive demands of these institutions of learning, most parents withdraw their children and in most cases, you will see them at home doing nothing, while some will go for apprentice work and in most times, these children are found on the street hawking.

Financial problems greatly affect any student’s education and performance in class. A student whose parents are too poor to afford the money for school fees, would not pay serious attention in class because they are thinking of where and how to get the money.

This is a big problem. The boys have become thieves and pick-pockets while most girls are going into prostitution due to this financial problem.

Solutions to financial problems:

Financial problems, if not looked into, have a great negative effect on student’s performance. What should be done to avoid this? Parents are to work very hard so as to meet up with school demands. Both couples are to make financial plans so that they won’t lack in the future. Parents are also advised to make real investments that will sustain their children even after they’ve gone to glory.

This issue of financial problems is not only left on the shoulders of the parents alone, the government, as well as the owners of these institutions of learning, should help to cut down the high price of school fees. In doing so, it will help students go to school and face their studies alone.

In addition this, students who are capable of doing menial works during the holidays and the weekends should learn how to save parts of their income to supplement their parents' effort

Personal Problems

Student's personal problem
A student’s own problems could as well be a big problem to their academic pursuit. Some children take long before their brain develops. In this case, we see that it will be very hard for such students to meet up academically. They will also find it hard to compete with other sharp and smart students in class because they are dull.

The level of a student IQS can as well determine how well they can do in school. If a student is very dull and not intelligent, they won’t do well and if they are not handled with great care and concern, they would give up on their studies.

Solutions to student's personal problem:

Students who are very dull should not be forced, in most cases, it’s not their fault, and they probably were born that way. Rather, it’s expected that concerned parents should continue to provide all the academic needs. Private tutors should also be attached to such students.

Teachers are as well not left out, they understand their students. They should learn to be patient with such students. Repeating the same topic for such students would help. And if possible, teachers should sit them down during recess for more tutoring.

Economic Problems

Economic problems
One issue virtually facing most countries is the issue of economic melt-down. The economy is not stable as to provide for the educational needs of students. Most country’s economy is too poor to cater or provide the money for students to go to school.

In view of this economic hardship, most students get discouraged along the line. And why do they get discouraged? They get discouraged seeing unemployment in the nation; they get discouraged seeing most educated people roaming the street with files in their hands; they get discouraged seeing people do the work they never studied in school.

All this is because the economy is poor. This could greatly make a student give up on their academic pursuit.

Solutions to economic problems:

The Government should encourage students by making sure that unemployed people are given work, not any kind of work, but the work that is based on what they studied in the school.

The government should also strive to introduce free education system in the country. In doing this, people would be encouraged to go to school and even those thinking of dropping out would be forced to change their thoughts, knowing full well that the economy is stable and good.

Are you a student facing any of the challenges mentioned above? Simply buckle up your belt to get it solved right now.

Let me hear your say via the comment.


Recommended Foods For Students Who Are Preparing For Examinations - Harrison

Most students don’t really know that the kind of food they eat can greatly affect their performance in an examination. Some students don’t believe in taking a well-balanced meal before an examination.

Writing an exam probably a long one for that matter is like someone who is running a marathon race. What happens if the diet he/she takes is not right at that time? They probably collapse on the way. So also, when writing an exam, the brain is seriously at work and been stressed out. The kind of food taken before that exam can determine how far and how well the brain could be able to cope.

Eating the right diet is good for the brain as it improves the level of alertness in the exam hall. It also helps in boosting your energy and makes your body system feel relaxed and comfortable. But going on the wrong diet could just make you feel weak, sleepy and sluggish in the exam hall. And am sure you don’t want to experience that when faced with an examination.

Today, I will be sharing with you on the kinds of foods you ought to take while preparing for an examination.

Fresh-water fish:

The freshwater fish contains omega-3 fats and vitamin D as well. The Omega-3 in fresh-water fish helps to reduce heart rate. The Omega-3 plays important role in the functioning of the brain. It enhances the cognitive functions of the brain. This brain food is essential while preparing for examination as it reduces memory loss.

Omega-3 also help in the structuring of brain cells as well as contributing to the flexibility of membranes, thereby enabling a well-developed brain that will aid any student in their examination, making them smarter and energized.

Omega-3 also acts as an anti-depressant thereby reducing every chance of the brain getting depressed and tired during the examination.

Eating good food like fresh-water fish which contains Omega-3 is good for any student preparing for an examination.

Beverages and Fruits

While preparing for an examination, you need to do yourself a lot of good by taking carrot juice. Carrot juice is rich in Beta-carotene which helps to reduce brain deterioration.

The green tea which also contains L-thiamine, this amino-acid helps the brain while meditating and could be good for any student preparing for an examination.

While making necessary preparations for any examination, it’s very important for your body as well as your brain that you do not go dehydrated. Going dehydrated will require more energy and power from the brain to perform the task, thereby forcing the brain to work harder as well as stressing it. And in the end, you won’t get any positive result.

Dehydration also causes a headache and lack of concentration which won’t be good while preparing for any examination.
The best way to avoid getting dehydrated is taking a lot of water regularly. It would also be good if you have a water bottle while going for the exam, because the more you work, the more water you lose in the body-dehydration.

A fruit like a watermelon which has about 91% of water is also good for the body while preparing for exams.

Having about 91.4% of water and rich in a folate-brain booster- spinach can help a lot to avoid getting dehydrated before or during exams.

One situation every student doesn’t want to experience in their academic is not been able to recall what they’ve read. Taking strawberries which contain about 91.4% of water thereby reducing dehydration can also help and accelerate thinking process in the brain.

Flavonoids which are found in strawberries enhance communication between the cells of the brain as well as increase concentration of the brain.

Get all the berries you can afford-Raspberries, blueberries, blackberries-you greatly needs them before going to write an exam.

The brain benefit of taking apple while preparing for exams cannot be undermined. Apples greatly help a lot in boosting brain memory and power. Intake of apples also helps in reducing neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s.

Super Food

I call them SUPER because they help to keep the body fit, sound and steady. These super foods could do much good to the body while preparing for exams.

Some of them contain iron like beef, turkey, oysters, canned sardines and chicken liver. Regular intake of iron produces more haemoglobin-a substance found in the body cells which helps to carry oxygen to all tissues of the body thereby avoid making the body weak and tired during an examination.

Foods rich in B vitamins like pork, green pea, nuts, and vegetables can also make the body lively and active during examinations.

Students are hereby advised to take these recommended foods, especially when they approach their examination.

Do let me know if you have any question concerning this.

"No Sex" - Is That What S/he Said After Intended Kids? These Are What To Do

Most couples do complain of their partner not having sex with them after having kids. The reasons to these maybe

They have a feeling of depression;
They could be having some health related problem that is probably affecting their sex drive;
Their sexual wants is been met elsewhere and so don’t feel the urge to have sex with their own partner;
Or they no longer have a feeling of emotional connection with their partner
Sex and kids

Also, in most cases, couples are afraid of getting other kids and so might not want to have sex. The importance of sex in every marriage is not what should be over-looked by every couple. Sex brings more love and unity between the partners. Sex brings a closer and intimate relationship between couples because it is a bond. Sex is what is meant to be given to only our partners. A time of sex is also the time both couples share their feelings. It’s a time where they expose their secrets as to where to be touched and where not to. Having sex together as a couple connects the two together like no other. Medical practitioners have also confirmed the health benefits of sex in marriage.

Now, we see a situation of where the couples after having 3-4 kids are finding it hard to have sex. This sexless period might not go well with one of the partner and due to this; they no longer feel loved by the other partner. They become emotionally depressed, heart-broken and in no time, the marriage will crash as a result of one partner not agreeing to have sex again.

Here are the things to do when your partner keeps saying NO to sex after the intended kids:

1. Let them know your feelings

The more you keep hiding your feelings towards sex, the more heart-broken and hurt you become. It is better you start communicating how you feel to your partner.

When speaking to your partner about their attitudes towards sex, you don’t have to criticize or judge them. You just have to let them know how insecure you feel.

Telling your partner how deep you’ve been hurt and how you no longer feel loved as a result of their saying no to sex is a best way to approach such issues.

Revealing your need for sex in an angry mood won’t go a long way in helping matters. It will get it worsened as no one would want to have sex with an angry spouse. If you are angry that your partner is no longer having sex with you-it’s normal-but don’t communicate it in an angry tone when telling how you feel to your partner. You can share your feelings in openness of mind and in love. In doing so, their attitudes towards sex could probably change for the better.

2. Be in good shape

You will quiet agree with me that after having kids, most couples no longer see the need to look beautiful and charming. If the outlook of a partner doesn’t suite well to the liking of the other partner, it may make them say NO to sex. Your appearance matters a lot if you really want your partner to have sex with you.

After having kids, you can still look beautiful and robust as before. Take care of yourself as you used to do, go on regular exercise with your spouse, eat good meals, apply neat and moderate make-ups, and wear nice and sexy clothes. Though, you might not have all the time to do all these-the kids are there to care for, the work lying in the office for you and all that-but I must say that getting back into good shape will certainly drive your partner into agreeing to have sex with you. Having kids shouldn’t stop you from enjoying each other.

Take your time out and re-shape back your body. Do it constantly. Believe me; your partner would come asking for sex from you.

Watch out : 5 Things That Show Your Relationship Is Ending 

3. Re-kindle your date nights

Another approach to getting your partners have sex with you is going on date nights. You could keep the kids with your relatives and spend the night together. During this time, you could both share your feelings as regarding the sex issue. Get to know why your partner is saying no.

A woman once complained that her husband is no longer having sex with her after having 3 kids and when she peacefully asked the man, he said that her butts was too big and he doesn’t like it. This could be the truth. After having children and you find out that you’ve started putting on much weight that isn’t appealing to your partner, you need to do something fast about it.

Re-kindling your date nights will also help you understand the kinds of styles and positions your partner desire in bed. You could find out their problem by asking them why they no longer want to have sex with you. If it’s a problem that needs medical attention, you two can encourage each other in love and sincerity of hearts. If it’s not that a serious issue and that their sex life is just down maybe due to too much stress or work load, you can re-kindle the passion and urge for sex through your mode of communication, gestures and your romantic looks.

Don’t let the fear of been neglected arise when your partner says no to you, it will only get you down emotionally, leaving you completely depressed. Be sincere to yourself and let your partner know how much of the physical affection you’ve missed from them.

Keep updated!


5 Things To Do That Will Lesson Your Break-up Pain

Along the line, relationships could get a little bit tough and if not handled maturely could get tougher and probably break up. We get pissed off and angry with our partner during break-ups and the injury that comes with break-ups seem to have lasting effects depending on how the break-up is been taken.
How to lesson break up pains

Most people after a break-up gets too depressed and sad to move on with their life. Though depressions and sadness are normal after breaking up with your partner but in spite of all these, you could better your life, impress yourself by learning one or two things from your past.

What you can learn from a break-up?

A break-up mostly tells us that our partner isn’t perfect neither are we. There is no perfection in any relationship.
Every mistake in a relationship can greatly destroy a relationship and sometimes we just do what we feel not thinking of the effect it has on our relationship.
We ought to know that we are always responsible for how our relationship goes. We are responsible for the happiness in it and the sadness as well.

We could always learn something new whenever we are faced with a break-up.

When your partner has fully decided to break up with you, you don’t have to feel, ‘oh! Why me?’, ‘the world has come to an end’. No, you don’t have to feel that way. You need to pull yourself and move on, knowing very well that it is an opportunity for you to grow.

To avoid getting too depressed and heart-broken, here are the tips you could follow.

Before we go, read the 5 causes of marital break up and 14 ways to prevent them.

#1. Accept your Fate

After breaking up with your partner, don’t go forcing blames on yourself as to what you could have done to avoid the break-up. It happens and it has happened.

Don’t beat yourself up for crying and getting sad - it’s normal and natural that you get sad after a break-up. Learn to accept the feelings that come during this time. You don’t have to worry or try forcing yourself not to feel sad. In accepting your feelings that way, you will find out that in no time, you will gradually get healed from all the depressions and sadness.

#2. Don’t dwell in the past

Instead of thinking and contemplating of what happened in the past, why not focus your mind on the present and then future? Don’t keep bringing the ugly events of your break-up before you. Get your mind off it and stay focus on who you are right now and who to become very soon.

Reminding yourself of the past would only worsen the pains and sadness. Learn to always face the present situation, in that way, you would avoid getting confused.

#3. Do your normal activities

If you’ve been exercising regularly before, continue with it. If you’ve been going to shopping with friends or families, continue with it. If you’ve been going to the library or cinema or games show, continue doing that.

Your break-up shouldn’t affect your everyday activities. If some of all these activities were done with your lover before the break-up, you could ask a family member or a close friend to be with you.

The fact is that continuing with your normal activities would accelerate the healing process.

#4. Go on a wonderful trip

This is one of the best things you could do after a break-up. Instead of sitting around, thinking of what has happened; you can better decide to leave the town for a while. You could visit the tourist centers, zoos, go to see a distant family or close friend, take a trip to the beach.

You just need to take a leave so as to lessen the pains in your heart.

#5. Get them off your phone

Watching their pictures on your cell phone can only worsen the situation. You need to delete everything about them from your phone. Un-friend them from your facebook list and even delete all the chats you had with them. In doing that, you won’t have to face the pains of the past coming into your present life.

 However, it's better to avoid the pains that come after break up than getting rid of it when it comes. Read the 3 main things that make your partner take a break up decision. Do let me know your thoughts via the comment section below.

On to the next article...


5 Top Signs To Note If Your Relationship Would End Up In Marriage

Every relationship has its own pattern and the pattern to which it moves can greatly determine if it will eventually lead to marriage or not. Getting into a relationship is one thing, been happy in that relationship is another thing while having a strong solid and lasting relationship is totally a different thing altogether.

You could be happy in your present relationship, but that doesn’t guarantee that it is going to lead to marriage. A relationship is not expected to go smooth every time, but once it encounters an obstacle or challenge, that is when you could probably decide if the relationship will survive when it eventually gets into marriage.

Today, I will be showing to you the signs you could probably decode to know if your present relationship would finally lead to wedlock. If you have been in a relationship for such a long time and you’ve not witnessed these signs, that relationship isn’t the one for you and you need to take action.

It is guaranteed 99% that your relationship would end up in marriage if:

#1. There is Free Flow of Communication

A strong relationship is built mostly on communication. If the communication in the relationship is suppressed, either of the lovers will suffer from not having to speak their mind concerning a matter.

A relationship that focuses on expressing each other’s feeling, advising and encouraging each other will do far better in the future in terms of decision making and planning.

If your relationship is not allowing you to talk freely, you need to take note, it won’t lead to marriage. And even if it does, how will you cope in a marriage where the freedom to communicate with your spouse is not there?

Having a smooth conversation in a relationship helps lovers share their secrets as well as their opinions concerning a matter.
When your relationship clocks two years, these 5 things will happen

#2. Both lovers are in control

A relationship cannot be created by just one person and so, building and nurturing it needs both lovers. In a situation whereby one person is taking full charge of the relationship, it will leave the other person feeling worthless and useless in the relationship.

When both parties are in control, it will be very hard for outside forces to come in between them. Having control of your relationship will also make you taking decisions that are best for you and your partner.

#3. You both take the blame

We sometimes make mistakes in our relationships and these mistakes could get worse or lessen depending on how we handle it.
If you are in a relationship that doesn’t force much blame on you for every mistake, then be sure that it will surely head along to marriage.

A loving relationship ought not to be the type of complaint or pushing blames on the other. It supposes to be of love and sharing all the blames together.

#4. Both families are involved

A relationship that has marriage in view has to carry both families of the lovers along. What am I saying here? The parents and relatives of both the man and the woman ought to know each other very well.

When relatives of both lovers are well acquainted with each other, it will as well strengthen the relationship.
Read >>> 7 things smart ladies do to get their men marry them

#5. Frequent use of “when” not “if”

If for example, the man is always making use of the word “when” like ‘when we get married’… this shows that the relationship will eventually lead to marriage.

But making use of the word “if” like ‘if we get married’… this shows that both parties have not decided on how their relationship will go.

Do not forget to share your views and opinions via the comment section. I love to read comments! Have a wonderful day ahead.


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